Isotope Workshop XI - List of participants downloadable (here)

Organized by European Society for Isotope Research (ESIR) ->
Organizing Committee

Institute for Geochemical Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Budaörsi út 45, Budapest, H-1112 Hungary
Phone: +361 3193137

ESIR organizes a biannual Isotope Workshop. According to the Society Statue Isotope Workshop shell always take place in Europe with special care to minimize participation costs and promotion of attendance of researchers from Central and Eastern Europe.
Isotope Workshops are organized to represent the fields of isotope research with special attention to isotope geochemistry.

Scope: Studies on natural distribution of isotopes, like:

¢ General Isotope Geochemistry
¢ Isotopes in Hydrology
¢ Paleoclimate
¢ Environmental Geochemistry and Ecology
¢ Inert gas and Radiogenic Isotopes
¢ Organic Isotope Geochemistry
¢ Isotope Geochemistry of High Temperature Processes
¢ Isotopes in Biology












