The By-laws were prepared in 2000 for the event of the 5th Isotope Workshop held in Cracow, Poland. The By-laws comes into operation by a two-thirds majority vote of the participants of the 5th Isotope Workshop. After validation of the By-laws, any changes shall be made by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Advisory Board.

By-laws of the European Society for Isotope Research


The organization shall be known as the European Society for Isotope Research (ESIR). The word "Society" used hereinafter shall be understood to mean ESIR.


The main objectives of the Society are as follows:

to foster co-operation between scientists of all regions of Europe and the World working in the field of isotope geochemistry and other fields of isotope research,

to promote exchanging scientific ideas by providing a forum for scientific discussions in the field of isotope research with special attention to the geosciences.


The Society's membership includes only individual members. Individuals who are interested in the field of isotope research can be a member of the Society by participating at the regular meeting of the Society and by paying the membership fee. Honorary members are free of the membership fee and are elected by the General Assembly. Student members have 50% discount on the membership fee. Sustaining members support the Society by extra fee that is appreciated by the Society.


The Society organizes a biannual meeting called Isotope Workshop. The language of the Workshop is English. The place of the meeting shall always be in Europe with special care to minimize participation costs. Attendance of researchers from Central and Eastern Europe should be promoted. Isotope Workshops are organized to represent the fields of isotope research with special attention to isotope geochemistry. Workshop themes are represented by scientific sessions in which important fields of isotope geochemistry are always included.


A) General Assembly

The General Assembly has the highest power in the Society.

The General Assembly holds its regular meetings at the Isotope Workshops.

The General Assembly elects the delegate members of the Advisory Board by more than 50%+1 of the votes made personally at the Assembly or submitted in advance. Any member can be proposed, voted for and elected. Proposals can be made at the General Assembly or submitted to the Advisory Board by mail. In case of proposals submitted by mail, the Advisory Board should contact all nominees if they accept the proposal. In case of proposals made at the Assembly, the nominee should declare the acceptance or the proposer should present the nominee's declaration. Submitted votes of all ESIR members are regarded valid provided that the vote had been received by the chairperson of the Advisory Board by mail before the General Assembly meeting. Proposals for Advisory Board delegate members can also be sent by mail to the chairperson of the Advisory Board. Votes and proposals are valid if an accompanying letter containing the member's personal data is included and the letter is signed. The vote and proposal should be included in a separate envelope closed. The proposal shall be presented for the General Assembly by the chairperson of the Advisory Board, the vote shall be treated anonymously.

The General Assembly exclusively makes decisions on any change in the Statutes and By-laws. Proposals for changes should be sent to the chairperson of the Advisory Board. The letter must contain the proposer's personal data and signature. The Advisory Board makes the decision if the proposal is supported by at least 50%+1 votes. If supported, all members should be informed not less than 3 months before the next Isotope Workshop. If not supported, the proposer should be informed and the case should be presented at the General Assembly by the Advisory Board. Proposed changes are validated by 67%+1 of the votes given by members present and received by the Advisory Board by mail.

B) Advisory Board

The Society is fully governed by the Advisory Board (Board hereinafter). The Board consists of the President, Vice-President, Past-Presidents of the last 2 Isotope Workshops and 6 delegate members elected by the General Assembly to achieve a better geographical and multidisciplinary representation. The General Assembly elects 2 substitute members for the case of decrease in the number of delegate members The Chairperson of the Board is the President, or in case of the President's absence, the Vice-President.

The Board shall be responsible for supervising the activities of the Society and Workshop organization and for achieving the objectives of the Society.

The Advisory Board prepare changes of the Statutes and By-laws according to the needs of the Society's development.

The Advisory Board determines the membership fee.

The Board decides on the place of the next Isotope Workshop and elects the next President and Vice-President before the meeting of the General Assembly. Nominations for the next Isotope Workshop should be sent or given to the Advisory Board. The Board makes its decision after the presentation(s) of nominee(s) at the audience of the Isotope Workshop.

C) President

The Society's President is the organizer of the next Isotope Workshop. The President is elected by the Advisory Board members present with 67%+1 of the votes. The election is held at the actual Isotope Workshop. The President is in office for two years.

The President is

responsible for the organization of the next Isotope Workshop;

establishes the scientific sessions;

takes care of the financial support of the Workshop;

arranges the distribution of information in the scientific community worldwide.

The President keeps contact with the Advisory Board and informs the Board members on the development of Workshop organization.

D) Vice-President

The Vice-President is elected by the Advisory Board members present with 67%+1 of the votes. The election is held at the actual Isotope Workshop. The Vice-President helps the President in organizing the Workshop and acts as a deputy. In the absence or in case of vacancy of the President the Vice-President holds all the responsibilities and duties of the President.

E) Secretary

The Secretary is appointed by the President for the period of two years. The main task of the Secretary is to promote the distribution of information on the Isotope Workshop.

F) Treasurer

The Treasurer is responsible for handling the financial issues of Workshop organization and membership fees. The Treasurer is appointed by the President for the period of two years.


The By-laws are prepared in 2000 for the event of the 5th Isotope Workshop held in Cracow, Poland. The By-laws comes into operation by a two-thirds majority vote of the participants of the 5th Isotope Workshop. After validation of the By-laws, any changes shall be made by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Advisory Board.